In “An Ode to Dali,” Debbie New conjures a mesmerising tribute to the enigmatic Salvador Dali, transcending mere portraiture to evoke a dreamscape of surreal wonder. Through veils of pastelled mist and shadow, Dali’s essence permeates the canvas, an icon of artistic exploration and boundless creativity.
At the heart of the canvas, Dali emerges, ethereal and weightless, suspended in a timeless dance between reality and illusion. His features, rendered with delicate strokes, exude an otherworldly magnetism, drawing viewers into the labyrinthine corridors of the artist’s imagination.
Debbie New is a multidisciplinary artist living in Dubai, currently undertaking a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree at the Open College of the Arts in London. Debbie?s works have been exhibited in Dubai, London and South Africa and are collected all over the world.
Debbie New?s environmental activist-art seeks to highlight the inextricable interconnectedness between humans and their natural environment through oil paintings, drawing and sculpture. She is particularly passionate about lesser known endangered species such as pollinators, and has drawn extensive collections of these creatures as a way of highlighting their importance to our survival.
Her portraiture collection seeks to explore the place of artificial intelligence in the artistic realm.
“An Ode to Dali” invites us to transcend the boundaries of ordinary perception, to embrace the extraordinary and the absurd. Here, in this enchanted realm of paint and pigment, the spirit of Dali lives on, forever immortalised in strokes of genius and the timeless dance of artistic expression.